Conference Introduction




1 Lectures for Science Popularization

Lectures on satellite navigation for hign school and university students in Xi’an


May 11


2 Lectires on Satellite Navigation

Specially invited internationally renowned experts in the field to give lectures

May 12


3 Opening Ceremony


Address & Award Ceremony: Excellent Conference Academic Papers, Youth Outstanding Papers, and BD- CASTIC

May 13


4 Providers System and Service Provision Updates

Providers system and service provision updates and updates from relevant international organization on the progress and application of major satellite navigation systems.

May 13


5 Invited Presentations


Invited presentations given by world-renowned experts in the field


May 13


6 The Night of BeiDou


Award ceremonyincluding Most Creative Posting Award, Thesis Organization Award, Award on the Promotion of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System. Also awards for the       sponsors.

May 13


7 Sub-Forums

10 Sub-forums on 10 topics:

S1: BDS/GNSS Navigation Applications

S2:Satellite Navigation Signal System, Compatibility & Interoperability

S3:Precise Orbit Determination and Positioning

S4:Atomic Clock Technology and Time-Frequency System

S5:Satellite Navigation Augmentation and Integrity Monitoring

S6:BDS/GNSS Test and Assessment Technology

S7:BDS/GNSS User Terminal Technology

S8:Satellite Navigation Model and Method

S9:PNT System and New Navigation Technologies

S10:Policies and Regulations, Standards and Intellectual Properties

May 13-15


8Application Industrialization Forum


It is part of the high-end exchange whereby the current status, development and trends of the BeiDou navigation industry are discussed, and critical elements in industrialization are analyzed to shed light on the opportunities and challenges of the industry through presentations, panel discussions, interaction and interviews.

13-14, May
